Friday, September 21, 2012

Origin Story

So whats this all about you ask?

  • Steampunk
  • Gadget Making
  • Random Musings
How I got started in this whole steampunk thing.  So the year was 2010 and the conversation with some good friends of mine went something like this:

Them: "We're going to Teslacon, you should come, it will be fun." 

Not knowing anything about conventions in general (which is a bit surprising considering how big of a sci-fi geek I am) or this convention specifically.

Me: "OK...what is Teslacon?"

Them: "It's a steampunk convention."

Me: "Gonna need a bit more."

Them: "It's Victorian Era dress up with science fiction...there are goggles..."

Me: "Goggles you say, well let me take a look at some on the interwebs"

Looks online, splutters at the price of brass goggles (did I mention I'm cheap), looks closer.

Me in full on incredulousness: "Why why, those are just some leather bits and plumbing parts I could make those"

Them: "Oh really you could?"  {Internal monologue: Excellent our plan is working to perfection bwahh hahh hahh".}

So that was pretty much it.  They laid the perfect trap for me it combined my abhorance for paying good money for stuff I can make myself with my basic leather working skills.  The rest as they say is history.

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